Malaysia East Coast Rail Link – Phase 2 P2 Tunnel Section
Meinhardt provided Preliminary Design, Detailed Design and Construction Drawings services.
Meinhardt provided Preliminary Design, Detailed Design and Construction Drawings services.
Design and construction of a boardwalk of about 2km in length to enhance connectivity between the open space in Causeway Bay and Quarry Bay by linking up the planned harbourfront open space at Oil Street and the promenade at Hoi Yu Street with four moveable bridges placed along the boardwalk.
Alternative Design and Construction Stage services to the main contractor. The Project include construction of 330m of Cut-and-Cover Tunnel, re-provisioning of Gascoigne Road Flyover (precast segmental bridge), Underpinning of Ferry Street Flyover and construction of large span noise enclosure in an urban area subject to various stringent temporary traffic management constraints.
Contractor’s Design responsible for the proposed Pak Mong Pier, temporary pontoon, and the future breakwater at the Marina, instrumentation and monitoring, Responsible for Marine Traffic and modification of the Tung Chung Buoyed Channel.
Meinhardt is in JV with another consultant to undertake the feasibility study of Route 11 (Between North Lantau and Yuen Long).
The construction of approximately 4660m of noise barriers alongside Fanling Highway and the associated geotechnical, utilities, street lighting, landscaping, and drainage works for HyD.
Meinhardt is responsible for the design and construction of a long span footbridge over the West Kowloon Expressway with clear span of over 110m connecting to the Housing Site 3.
Alternative design of an interchange with four link roads near Kiu Tau, Fanling.
Our scope includes erection engineering of the main bridge of Cross Bay Link, Tseung Kwan O and alternative design of the viaducts of Tseung Kwan O Interchange.
Meinhardt is engaged for the investigation and design of the travellators network linking up the former Kai Tak runway, Kowloon Bay Action Area (KBAA) and Kwun Tong Action Area (KTAA).